Does your car jolt when you shift to reverse? Depending on the intensity of the jerking motion and any accompanying thumps or rattles, the fix may be a simple fluid refresh–or a parts overhaul. Here is how to tell.
Have you ever shifted your car from park to reverse and then felt your vehicle jolt backward or forward?
Usually, the transmission feels unique, too, and emits a loud clunk. You feel like you are sitting in a roller coaster cart that jerks at the peak before a steep descent.
The noise and the sudden jolt indicate there may be an issue with the drivetrain, gearbox, or suspension.
I will begin the guide off by explaining the expense to fix the issue as well as the consequences if you don’t resolve it now.
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Costs and Consequences
If a car suddenly jerks when put in reverse, the cause can be due to any number of mechanical issues. The expense is going to depend on the particular cause.
If the cause turns out to be a transmission or suspension problem, it is likely a pricey fix.
So, the main concern is: Can you repair the shaking problem with your vehicle before it becomes a bigger, more expensive headache?
And exactly how dangerous and prevalent is the issue of a car jerking when put in reverse?
We will answer these questions and explore how and why a vehicle may abruptly jerk forward or backward when put in reverse.
Why Does My Car Jerk When Put In Reverse?
Your car may be jerking back when you put it in reverse due to multiple causes, from a defective transmission or weak suspension to alignment problems.
When your car can’t shift gears, it might seem like a straightforward problem, but it could actually be quite intricate.
If your car jerks when shifting from park to reverse, it is a sign that it is time to run some diagnostics on the vehicle. Because, in general, when put in reverse or drive, you should scarcely feel the changing gears.
Pinpoint The Cause Of The Car’s Jerking To Avoid Expensive Repairs
A vehicle that trembles when placed in reverse does not provide adequate details to locate the precise issue. If it is not a transmission concern, it might be a defective transmission sensor or a motor problem.
In online automotive forums, some drivers have blamed the issue on a faulty engine with dirty components. Others have said the jerking was due to air leaks to the intake manifold.
You need to locate the problem and examine if the fix requires something straightforward like replacing transmission fluids or realigning the tires; or if major repairs to the driveshaft or gearbox are in order.
Commons Reasons Why Your Car Jerks When Put In Reverse
The factors most frequently stated as to why a car jerks when put in reverse include issues in these domains:
- Drivetrain/Transmission
- Gearbox
- Suspension
- Alignment
Depending on the cause, the fix may cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars if it involves any of the drivetrain’s primary components, like the transmission.
If you are lucky, your vehicle may only need to be realigned or have some fluids replaced.
But if the jerking is severe when you shift into reverse–especially if accompanied by a high-revving engine or a loud thump–you likely have a problem.
What Effects Can It Have On My Car When It Jerks In Reverse?
Many proprietors of different makes and models of manual and automatic automobiles have sought advice on automotive forums about issues with a car that jerks when put in reverse.
Is it normal when a car jerks when put in reverse? Well, that depends on the intensity of the jerking when you try shifting in reverse. A minor, barely noticeable jerk may occur when shifting gears, which is normal.
There are larger concerns if the vehicle emits a strange noise or violent jerking. The effects may be severe damage to the car’s drivetrain, suspension, or alignment if left unchecked.
Are Manual And Automatic Cars Affected By This Problem?
The issue of cars visibly trembling when put in reverse has been discussed on automotive blogs covering every type of manual and automatic vehicle, from Toyotas and BMWs to Rolls-Royce Silver Shadows.
The encouraging news is, when you google the topic, there are not nearly as many discussions about the matter after 2019.
Before then, the forums are loaded with questions and comments about older cars that jerk when put in reverse. Advanced modern automotive technology may be why reports of the issue are declining.
How Dangerous Is My Car Jerking Backwards?
If your car experiences a slight push when shifting gears, that’s an anticipated reaction. It is the transmission reacting to the shifting acceleration.
If you experience delays with shifting, it can cause your vehicle to jolt slightly when being put in reverse.
It is ordinarily just some driveline wind up, and it’s nothing to cause alarm.
But if the car severely jerks when put in reverse and causes your weight to shift or sway, that speed can be hazardous to the body and potentially lead to road accidents.
Is It Normal When A Car Jerks When Put In Reverse?
The magnitude of the momentum is substantial when trying to figure out if you have a serious issue when your car jerks when put in reverse.
When you shift gears, the driveline’s internal mechanisms have some slack. And when the velocity and loading are momentarily interrupted to shift into reverse, the slack shifts and makes the car slightly jolt or lurch.
Similar to when a car jerks when accelerating, this reaction is not unusual if the jerking is slight and barely felt by the driver.
Anything more than a minor tug is an issue that needs your attention, especially if accompanied by strange noises.
How To Tell If You Have A Major Problem
If your car aggressively jerks when put in reverse, it is a significant enough issue to see a mechanic whether the solution is a simple fluid refill or requires substantial repairs.
However, there are a few steps you can take to see if your car’s jerking issue is the result of more serious problems.
In addition to checking or replacing the fluids in your car, you can explore to see if there are any related recalls or alerts connected to the issue.
Enter the make and model of your car into the online databases of the National Highway for Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety to see if there are any recalls or notices related to cars jerking when put in reverse.
Fixing A Car That Jerks Can Be Costly, Depending On The Cause
There are a myriad of reasons why a car jerks when put in reverse, and therefore the repair costs vary substantially.
If the problem stems from something harmless like dirty fluids, you may have to shell out around $200-$300 to have a mechanic or dealer replace the transmission fluid. Or you can do it yourself for around $50-$100.
If the jerking is because of a larger issue, such as malfunctioning gearbox components or a defective tranny, you may face hefty repair costs. The cost of transmission repairs usually falls somewhere between $500 and $1,200.
Conclusion: Early Diagnostics Can Avoid Bigger Problems
If you try putting your car in reverse and experience a noticeable jerk that causes your body weight to shift in your seat, something is wrong with your vehicle.
The causes could be anything from contaminated tranny fluids to faulty gearbox components. Thus, repair costs can be as low as $50 for a fluid change or up to $2,000-plus for transmission or engine work.
When a car jerks when put in reverse, your best bet to avoid future problems with significant repair costs is to have the issue diagnosed by a mechanic promptly to locate what is causing the car to jerk.