Crankcase Vent Filter (CCV): How It Works, Symptoms, And Replacement Cost

What does the crankcase vent filter (CCV) do inside the engine? Here's a definitive guide that explains everything you need to know.

Engine “blow-by” is combustion gas that has seeped past the engine’s pistons and into the crankcase. Some blow-by is typical, but excessive can damage the motor due to increased internal pressure.

Thankfully, the closed crankcase ventilation (CCV) system helps decrease the pressure by dispersing it into the atmosphere or rerouting it back into the engine.

But first, it must be refined.

What does a crankcase breather filter accomplish? 

A CCV filter, also known as a “breather” filter or oil separator, purifies blow-by before recycling it back in the engine. Over time, CCV filters can clog, diminishing airflow and causing issues like oil leaks, a high idle, and others.

In this guide, I’ll provide more specifics about breather filters, like how they work, signs of a problem, and replacement costs.

I’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about CCV filters, including:

  • How often should you change your crankcase filter?
  • What happens if you don’t change your CCV filter?
  • Do I need a crankcase breather filter?

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How A Crankcase Vent Filter Works

Engine Exhaust

The purpose of the crankcase ventilation system is to manage pressure inside the crankcase and reduce exhaust emissions. The system is relatively simple, usually consisting of just a one-way valve, a tube, and a suction source.

When the pressure inside the crankcase becomes too abundant, the system vents the surplus blow-by through the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve.

The blow-by then goes through the CCV filter/oil separator. The crankcase breather filter’s purpose is to eliminate dirt and other particles from the blow-by. Oil fumes are also removed, accumulating in the porous mesh of the filter before going back to the oil sump.

Having been cleansed of toxins, what’s left of the blow-by is either dispersed into the atmosphere or recycled back through the engine via the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system.

4 Symptoms Of A Bad Crankcase Ventilation Filter

1. Excessively High Idle

If your engine is idling “raised,” then the average crankshaft revolutions per minute (RPMs) have increased. This means the motor is working harder than it should.

This may stem from a clogged or obstructed crankcase filter, restricting airflow inside the crankcase and creating a vacuum leak. Less airflow means the engine’s air-fuel mixture will be off, potentially leading to a higher-than-usual idle.

2. Check Engine Light

car check engine light on

Like most powertrain issues, if the crankcase breather filter becomes faulty, you will probably notice an illuminated check engine light. However, the actual cause for the dashboard signal is not the filter but rather its blockage.

In this situation, the potential cause is an imprecise mix of air and fuel in the engine. This is sometimes called running rich (a lot of fuel) or running lean (a lot of air).

3. Oil Leaks

If blow-by isn’t vented from the crankcase, undue pressure can force motor oil through seals, gaskets, and even the engine air filter. Oil leaks are not only harmful to the environment, but too much oil loss can damage your engine.

A clogged CCV filter likely won’t result in a puddle of oil under your car. The leak would be most visible under the hood, near the air intake at the front of the automobile.

4. Reduced Engine Performance

mechanic working on car engine in garage

Another indication of a clogged crankcase breather filter is reduced engine performance. Similar to a excessive idle and check engine light, poor performance stems from an unbalanced air-fuel mixture.

If your car hesitates when stepping on the gas pedal, especially under substantial acceleration, you may need to replace your CCV filter. Other potential signs of a rich or lean combustion mixture include smelling gasoline, poor fuel economy, or engine misfires.

Crankcase Vent Filter Replacement Costs

Crankcase vent filters must be replaced and cannot be repaired. For parts, you’ll only need the replacement breather filter, which costs about $100 to $180 at any local or virtual auto parts store.

As for labor expenses, most shops estimate the job at one hour, with rates ranging from $75 to $130 per hour. Rates depend on whether you go to a dealer or a smaller independent shop.

Using the above figures, the total cost of replacing a vehicle’s crankcase ventilation filter ranges from $175 to $310.

Replacing a CCV filter is relatively straightforward, so if you’re even a little mechanically adept, you should be able to DIY the task.

Crankcase Vent Filter: FAQ

How Often Should You Change Your Crankcase Filter?

Generally, you should replace your car’s CCV filter every time you change the spark plugs.

This amounts to every 60,000 to 75,000 miles for the average vehicle, depending on its make and model. Check the owner’s manual to find out your car’s CCV filter replacement intervals.

What Happens If You Don’t Change Your CCV Filter?

Ignoring a clogged crankcase vent filter won’t cause any immediate failures, but it will put more strain on the engine.

Seals and gaskets will wear faster and be more susceptible to oil leaks. Moreover, fuel costs will increase as you’ll be getting fewer MPGs.

Do I Need A Crankcase Breather Filter?

Yes, a CCV filter is required to account for excess blow-by causing increased crankcase pressure.

Interestingly, early vehicle designs simply had an orifice for venting the crankcase. This “open” design was eventually replaced due to excessive oil consumption issues.

Add CCV Filter Replacement To Your Routine Service Schedule

Service Manual

If you care for your vehicle and want it to last as long as possible, adding the CCV filter to your routine maintenance schedule is crucial.

Ignoring a clogged breather filter just isn’t worth it. Not only will you shave years off your engine’s lifespan, but you’ll also pay more in service costs, get worse fuel mileage, and inferior performance.

Not sure what’s involved in a typical service schedule? Check out our detailed guide.

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Joshua Barrett

Josh Barrett is a writer hailing from the great state of Alaska. While describing himself in the third person is not his forte, writing about any and all things automotive – is. After 13+ years hustling in the exciting world of car sales, he took off to travel the world with his dog Teemo.