How Does A Car Air Conditioning System Work?

How exactly does the air conditioning of cars work? Here's a simple and easy-to-follow guide on car air conditioners.

For most car owners, the AC system is a complete mystery. You press the button and are met with a refreshing gust of cool air.

But what happens behind the scenes is actually fairly intricate and extremely fascinating.

So, how does an automotive cooling system operate?

An AC system operates by cycling refrigerant, transforming it from a gas into a liquid and then back again. By the end of this cycle, it’s in a cold gaseous state inside the evaporator, at which point external air is blown over it, cooled, and then sent to the icy cabin.

Ready to take a nearer look?

In this guide, we will examine each of the five principal components of your AC system and how they use refrigerants to cool the exterior air before it reaches the cabin.

Let’s get going!

Related:Why Is My Car AC Blowing Hot Air? How To Fix

A Quick Note About Freon And R-12


Freon (also known as R-12) was the primary refrigerant used in most car AC systems until the mid-90s. However, due to its detrimental environmental impact, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has banned the import and production of Freon.

Since the mid-90s, automotive manufacturers have used Refrigerant-134a (R-134a), which is less detrimental on the ozone and is approved for use in car AC systems. And in 2015, they started using Refrigerant-1234yf (R-1234yf), which is even less destructive on the ozone.

Table of ContentsShow

Your AC System Explained – The Cycle Of Refrigerant

The High-Pressure Side

Step 1: Compressor

car ac compressor
Example of a car A/C compressor

An AC compressor runs off a pulley attached via a belt to your engine’s crankshaft. This powers 5-10 pistons (depending on the design). They draw in low-pressure, frigid gas and compress it into high-pressure, searing gas.

The AC compressor is controlled by the clutch, determining if it gets power from the crankshaft. Afterward, this gas goes to the subsequent component of the car’s AC system, which is the condenser.

Step 2: Condenser

car ac condenser
Example of a car A/C condenser

When the refrigerant gets to the condenser, it is warm because of the pressure. Its purpose is to collect this heat and move it out of the AC system. You can imagine this as a minuscule radiator, where the gas releases the heat as it goes through.

Air is also flowing around the condenser, which cools the refrigerant as it passes through. This causes it to condense, which turns it back into a high-pressure liquid with a lower temperature. The next step in the cycle is the receiver/dryer.

Step 3: Receiver/Dryer

car ac receiver drier
Example of an A/C receiver driver

The receiver/dryer has an entry point and an outlet point. The entry point takes inbound high-pressure liquid from the condenser and sends it through a series of filters and desiccants.

If you didn’t know, a desiccant is a substance that absorbs moisture. This is the same material found in items such as shoes and medications to keep them fresh and dry.

The filters remove debris that might cause the system harm, like dust, dirt, and metal particles, and the desiccants remove moisture.

What’s the motivation for removing moisture?

Because when the refrigerant reaches the expansion valve, it’s cold enough that it might freeze. This can clog the expansion valve and result in an AC system that doesn’t operate correctly.

The refrigerant is then sent to the expansion valve via the exit point. This concludes the elevated-pressure side of the AC system.

Next is the reduced-pressure segment.

The Low-Pressure Side

Step 4: Expansion Valve/Orifice Tube

An expansion valve is basically a controller for how much refrigerant is allowed to continue on through the AC system. You can think of it as similar to the nozzle on the end of a hose, high-pressure water is introduced, and it expands into a mist as it passes through.

This process not only decreases pressure but rapidly cools the refrigerant as well.

On an AC system featuring an orifice tube, the receiver dryer is replaced with an accumulator. It operates similarly to a receiver dryer but sits between the evaporator and the compressor rather.

car orifice tube
Example of an orifice tube

The difference between an orifice tube and an expansion valve is that the former has a fixed aperture. And the latter can modify its opening depending on the temperature in the evaporator.

By this point, the refrigerant is now in a low-pressure, icy state, nearly ready to cool your passenger cabin. But first, it has to pass through the evaporator.

Step 5: Evaporator

car ac evaporator
Example of a car A/C evaporator

The evaporator operates much like a radiator or a condenser, containing lines that the refrigerant flows through.

As this happens, rather than dispersing heat, it absorbs it, lowering the temperature to about 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Oddly enough, unlike water, which freezes at 32 degrees, the refrigerant boils. This transforms it back into a gaseous state, enabling it to absorb even more heat. This vapor then flows back into the AC compressor to start the cycle over again.

How does chilly air enter the cabin when the AC is on? While the refrigerant is sitting in the evaporator, a fan is blowing outside air over it. This causes it to cool due to the low temperature inside. This air then enters your cabin as a frosty, refreshing, air-conditioned breeze.

How Does A Car AC System Work?

Well, previously, you might have thought it was captivating.

Thankfully, if you have made it this far in the guide, you should have a significantly better idea of how the air conditioning system in your car operates.

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Joshua Barrett

Josh Barrett is a writer hailing from the great state of Alaska. While describing himself in the third person is not his forte, writing about any and all things automotive – is. After 13+ years hustling in the exciting world of car sales, he took off to travel the world with his dog Teemo.