Engine Knocking Sound At Idle? Here’s Why And How To Fix

Did you suddenly hear an engine knocking sound at idle? Here's why it happens and how to fix it before the problem becomes bigger.

Have you ever listened to an engine knocking sound when the vehicle is motionless? If yes, pinpointing the exact problem can be somewhat challenging.

Knocking engines occur regularly and are sorted into groups, such as “detonation knock” and “engine rod knock.”

The tapping could mark the beginning of potentially bigger problems if left unchecked.

Or, if you’re lucky, the engine knock could simply be a warning over something easily remedied, such as being low on oil.

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Low Oil Pressure Is A Common Precursor To Engine Knocking

Engine oil pressure light on car dashboard

Automotive enthusiast forums are filled with posts from car owners who have experienced engine knocking at idle, and many purportedly discovered the issue was due to low oil pressure.

Your vehicle will burn oil from use, but significant problems may arise if your oil pressure dips too low or is uneven or interrupted. The low oil pressure can cause damage to the valves, bearings, or engine.

You can expect any vehicle’s components to make noise, vibrate, and rattle some at idle, which is normal.

But you will know you have a problematic knocking sound if you notice a constant thumping or ticking noise emanating from the engine bay.

Spark Plugs Could Be A Catalyst For Engine Knocking, But It’s A Simple Fix

Your engine relies on the spark plugs to combust and kick it into action, and if the spark plugs are defective, have an incorrect fit, or fail to detonate properly, the engine may struggle to start. And when it does start, you may hear a ticking noise at idle.

If spark plugs don’t ignite properly, this issue could cause larger troubles later on. However, the remedy is a relatively inexpensive repair that just involves installing new spark plugs.

Signs That An Engine Knocking Problem Is Growing Bigger

mechanic working on car engine in garage

As evidenced in various YouTube videos, sometimes the engine knock may be subtle, and other times, it may be a much more noticeable and louder sound. Signs that tell you the engine knocking problem is likely a serious issue include:

  • Engine knocking becomes constant at idle
  • Knocking noise grows louder over time
  • Engine knock occurs whether it’s hot or cold
  • Knocking is accompanied by vehicle rattling or vibrating

In this guide, we will cover how and why an engine may begin making unusual knocking noises at idle, and we’ll go over some of the more common problems that may be causing the engine to knock.

An engine knock may indicate any number of problems, and if the noise grows louder over time, the particular issue is likely to grow bigger too.

Know Your Engine Knocks

The sound of subtle knocks, rattles, and vibrations are the expected noises you’ll hear from most cars at idle.

However, suppose your vehicle is experiencing particularly noisy and persistent engine knocks that seem to be growing louder and more frequent whenever you’re stationary. In that case, you may have a mechanical problem that may require a simple fix–or substantial engine work.

To hear what an engine knock sounds like, check out this clip from YouTuber Zane’s Garage, which highlights a rod knock.

Why Is My Engine Knocking?

car engine

If you’re experiencing engine knock, it’s because either your vehicle is low on fluids or there is something out of alignment with its internal components.

Fortunately, if you confirm that the knocking is coming from the motor, you will be able to narrow down the problem faster.

The general consensus provided by mechanics in online guides and by car owners in innumerable automotive forums is that the oil is the first thing to check after hearing the engine knocking at idle.

The accumulation of carbon deposits inside the combustion chamber can contaminate the oil and lead to bigger problems. Low oil levels, contaminated oil, and oil leaks that starve the engine of fluid are common causes of the engine knocking at idle.

Replacing or replenishing the oil may resolve the problem of your engine knocking at idle.

However, if the problem is not due to oil issues, there are other commonly reported problems that may be the cause, including:

  • Insufficient lubrication of engine parts
  • Piston rod bearing or engine bearing failure
  • Engine has worn internal components

“Having low oil, that’ll certainly cause an engine noise, and it’ll cause engine damage,” says the mechanic influencers on the prominent 1A AutoYouTube channel.

Potential engine damage is the key reason you’ll want to swiftly pinpoint the precise source of the engine knocking at idle before the situation worsens.

How To Fix An Engine From Knocking

Once you pinpoint the origin of the engine knocking while idle, you can begin to find an appropriate fix.

The first thing you may want to do is to run your vehicle’s make/model/year in the database of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Or check the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety to see if your vehicle has any unresolved recalls or cautions.

These databases can help you determine if there is a known problem that is related to your car engine knocking at idle.

To avoid potentially bigger problems, you can also take your vehicle to a mechanic and request an engine noise diagnostic be performed on your car.

DIY Or See A Mechanic?

car technician holding the wrench

Can you resolve your vehicle’s engine-knocking problem yourself? It all depends on the specific source of the problem. If the issue derives from dirty or low oil, then you’re looking at a DIY fix that’ll cost you under $50.

But if the engine knocking at idle is due to worn-out internal engine components or piston failure, the repair will be more complex and costly.

A vehicle noise diagnostics test generally costs around $100-$150 and is the optimal option to pinpoint the precise cause of the engine knocking problem.

Costs And Consequences


In more severe cases, if the cause of the engine knocking at idle is due to worn-out engine parts or failing internal components, you’re likely going to need an engine rebuild or replacement, and both options come with a substantial repair bill in the thousands.

The cost of replacing an engine depends on the type of engine and the complexity of the repairs.

The average cost of engine repairs hovers between $3,000 and $4,000, while a new engine can run over $5,000 for a V6 or V8. Citing the National Automobile Dealers Association, Consumer Affairs lists the standard price of an engine rebuild at $2,500 to $4,000.


The first thing to do if you experience an engine knocking is to act swiftly to diagnose the cause of the engine knocking. The cause can be anything from a straightforward case of low oil to a significant problem with a worn-out engine.

The symptoms of an engine knocking at idle are too vague to tell us precisely what the actual problem is without doing deeper diagnostics.

So, you may be looking at a repair bill that ranges from a swift $50 oil change to over $5,000 for a new or reconstructed engine.

Getting engine noise diagnostics performed at a workshop is the best option to pinpoint and handle the cause of the engine knocking at idle before it becomes a more expensive problem.

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David M. Ciminelli

David M. Ciminelli is a Southern California-based journalist and longtime auto enthusiast who has contributed to a plethora of popular automotive sites.