Symptoms Of A Bad Starter Solenoid

Do you believe that your car has signs of a bad starter solenoid? Here's a simple guide on how to identify the main symptoms.

While it might sound like a bit of extraterrestrial tech, a starter solenoid is a frequent component of modern vehicle ignition systems. Starter solenoids are dependable, often lasting 100,000-150,000 miles before showing any troublesome symptoms.

How do you know if your starter solenoid is bad? If the engine struggles during startup or doesn’t crank at all, the solenoid may be going defective/have failed.

Pay attention to clicking sounds while turning the key or constant grinding/whining after the engine begins, which might suggest problems with the starter solenoid.

Below, we’ll explore the symptoms of a faulty starter solenoid in greater detail. But first, let’s look at how the starter solenoid works and where to locate it.

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What Is A Starter Solenoid, And How Does It Work?

Starter solenoid for car on gray background. Auto parts

Simply put, a car’s starting solenoid is a device that relays power from the battery to the starter motor. For more specifics on the exact process, read on. Otherwise, skip to the next section to learn where the solenoid is located.

Inside a solenoid is an iron piston that can move forward and backward. The piston has copper wire coiled around one end and a coil on the contrary.

As electricity from the battery flows through the solenoid’s copper wiring, it becomes activated, creating an electromagnetic field that attracts the metal piston and pulls it back. This also compresses the spring, which returns the piston to its original position once the solenoid de-energizes.

With the piston pulled back, an electrical circuit is closed that allows power to reach the starter motor and, in turn, spin the flywheel that cranks the engine. Once the engine starts, the circuit opens again, the piston returns, and electricity stops flowing.

Want to see a visual demonstration? Don’t forget to watch the video below from TecknoMechanics:

Where Is The Starter Solenoid Located?

The starter solenoid is cylindrical shaped and is often attached to or incorporated into the starter motor. The motor’s position varies between models, and you may need a flashlight, but it’s typically under the transmission or under the exhaust or intake manifold.

You can also follow the battery’s positive terminal to the starter solenoid, though, depending on the vehicle, you may need to remove the battery and tray to reach it.

Look for a couple of electrical connection points coming out of the rear of the solenoid. One leads to the battery’s positive terminal and another to the starter motor. A third smaller point connects to the ignition cylinder and communicates when the key is being turned.

5 Signs Of A Bad Starter Solenoid

What causes a starter solenoid to go bad? General wear and tear associated with age is the primary cause of a faulty solenoid. This includes prolonged exposure to the heat created by the motor (and/or extreme climates), moisture entering the engine bay, or worn, corroded wiring.

Parking in a garage and giving the engine a break during extended drives can help reduce potential heat damage. To minimize water intrusion and protect against electrical shorts and corrosion, be sure to keep the vehicle’s drainage lines clear of obstruction and avoid driving through enormous puddles.

Simple maintenance hacks like these are great for extending the life of a vehicle. Be sure to check out our previous article for more car maintenance tips.

1. Rapid Clicking When Turning Ignition Key

man inserting key in car ignition lock

If turning the ignition key results in rapid clicking sounds, the starter solenoid may not be getting enough electrical current to turn the flywheel and engage the crankshaft.

Before replacing the solenoid, though, be sure to have it examined (or check it yourself with a multimeter), as a defective battery can cause similar symptoms.

2. Starter Motor Stays On After Engine Starts

A starter motor makes a distinct grinding/whining noise when cranking an engine over, but only for a moment. Once the engine is running, the starter should shut off. But, if the solenoid has failed, the starter may continue rotating.

Not addressing this issue may result in the starter itself requiring replacement, which is more expensive than just the solenoid.

3. Nothing Happens When Attempting Startup

car frustration

Cars typically click when you turn the ignition key, and starters make a raucous noise. However, if nothing happens, the solenoid may be the offender.

Pay close attention to the electronics inside the vehicle. If the radio and lights turn on, as normal, the solenoid is likely at fault. But if nothing works or functions, the issue may stem from a dead battery.

4. Starter Motor Cranks But Engine Does Not

You may need a new solenoid if you hear the starter motor spin but the engine doesn’t attempt to turn over. This generally occurs for the same reason as other signs on this list; the starter isn’t receiving adequate power to rotate the crankshaft.

Testing the solenoid will tell you if you need a new one, but you may find the starter itself is the problem or that you need to replace the battery.

5. Engine Starts Only Some Of The Time

Another sign of a starter solenoid that’s beginning to go bad is the engine only starting intermittently. This indicates the solenoid is on its last legs and may fail soon entirely. You may also notice some of the other defective solenoid symptoms on this list.

Think Your Starter Solenoid Is Bad? Here’s What To Do

If you think your starter solenoid is faulty, the first step is to test it, as there are many reasons a car might not start. You can either take your car to a shop for a fee or use a multimeter to test it at home.

Not sure how to examine a starter solenoid? Check out the below YouTube video from TutoBuild Eng for a step-by-step visual explanation:

Should the starter solenoid be at fault, you can either take it to a mechanic or, if you’re fairly adept with an engine, swap it out yourself.

The solenoid’s precise location differs between models, but the below video from Thinking Outside Box does a nice job of explaining the basics:

What happens if you ignore a faulty starter solenoid? Eventually, you won’t be able to start your car. Instead of leaving it up to chance, be certain to test the starter solenoid as soon as symptoms appear.

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Joshua Barrett

Josh Barrett is a writer hailing from the great state of Alaska. While describing himself in the third person is not his forte, writing about any and all things automotive – is. After 13+ years hustling in the exciting world of car sales, he took off to travel the world with his dog Teemo.