Brake Line Replacement Cost

How much does a brake line replacement cost these days? Here's what you need to consider and how much you need to pay for your replacement.

The cost of replacing brake lines isn’t something most people contemplate. In fact, it’s probably one of those things a mechanic recommends that you agree to out of principle.

But what are brake tubes? And what’s the expense of replacing them?

This article will give you all you need to know, including the potential damage to your bank account.

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What Is A Brake Line?

Brake Line

A brake line transports brake fluid from the master cylinder to each wheel. It’s also called a brake pipe (the main metallic part) and brake hose (the pliable part attaching to the caliper/wheel cylinder).

They must maintain a steady hydraulic pressure without any leaks. If gaps, holes, or cracks develop, the brakes won’t activate. In other words, not good!

Think of it like a syringe. Assuming it’s already full of liquid, you know that pushing the plunger forces the fluid in the same direction. If there’s a leak (or air in the system), it won’t work correctly and will get worse swiftly.

They’re made of metal (stainless steel or copper), apart from a small flexible section right at the end. This bit is typically made of pressure-resistant rubber or braided stainless steel.

In contemporary cars, there are technically two brake line circuits. Each line connects wheels at opposite corners (the front-right and rear-left, and vice versa).

If one brake line fails, this indicates your brakes should still function.

You can still refer to the system as having four brake lines – one to each individual wheel.

Which Part Needs Replacing?

Car Brake Line

When your brake line fails, you’ll need to pay for a fresh one. You can’t do this alone unless you have a friend and know what you’re doing! Working with the brakes always takes two people (or a brake bleeding suction tool).

It’s most common to see the rubber part of the lines fail. As you might expect, these are far less sturdy than the main metal part.

Over time, the rubber parts of the line become brittle. They can tear and twist and might eventually develop cracks and holes.

It’s also possible for the main metal part of the line to become defective. The most likely cause is rust causing a leak over time. This is more probable in older cars that use standard steel instead of stainless and vehicles that have sat for many years.

You’ll need to replace whatever part of your brake line breaks. You can’t attempt to repair it. It’s accountable for carrying too much pressure, and it’ll immediately fail again.

How Long Do Brake Lines Last?

Car With 100000 Miles Mileage
Most brake lines will last at least 100,000 miles.

Many brake lines last as long as the vehicle they’re installed in. You can expect most to last 100,000 miles or longer.

Most people won’t ever have to think about their brake lines. Moisture buildup or factory defects mean these things just occur. There’s nothing you could have done in any different way – there’s no need to blame yourself!

In general, it is challenging to determine the precise time that brake lines will last. They are not typically replaced during routine maintenance, and manufacturers assume that they will endure for an extended time.

How Do You Know When A Brake Line Needs Replacing?

Here are a few indicators you should watch out for. They’re all signs that a brake line on your vehicle needs replacing.

Struggling To Stop!

Business woman push a button

Here’s a crucial sign you should never ignore. It needs immediate investigation if it’s difficult to bring the car to a stop using the brake pedal.

The dual-system design on modern cars means it should be safe to drive (gently!) to a nearby mechanic. That is unless both lines developed a problem at precisely the same time. Unlikely.

Avoid driving at any speed in the meantime. Use engine braking to help you decelerate, too.

Low Brake Fluid Levels

Brake Fluid Change Cost

The braking system should be sealed. Nothing in and nothing out. If air gets in, it forms bubbles. The hygroscopic brake fluid won’t work so well as a result.

If there’s a severe leak, the fluid will squirt out of the car every time you press the pedal. Unless there’s a massive trauma and the line completely severs, they should continue working for a while. There’s a lot of brake fluid in a car.

Over time, though – especially if you’re frequently braking like in city driving – the stopping force will get less. Each time you press the pedal, the car becomes less capable to stop.

Eventually, you’ll notice insufficient brake fluid levels in the master cylinder when you lift the hood. Don’t just top it up and think nothing of it. That fluid has gone somewhere! It needs investigating.

ABS Light Comes On

ABS warning light on

When the ABS light comes on, it could be an issue with any number of things. One of the most crucial to check out is brake line leaks.

Check the wheel in question for any indication of brake fluid around the brakes. Also, lift the hood to look at the level in the main cylinder.

If it all looks good, there could be another issue at play. It’s worth driving your car to a mechanic to get it checked out.

Brake Pedal Feels Funny

foot on brake pedal

The brake pedal feels distinct when the hydraulic brake fluid system doesn’t function properly. You’ll notice there’s less opposition to your foot than usual.

A nice way to describe it is “spongey.” It’s sort of soft and bouncy.

What you’re actually feeling is a lack of hydraulic pressure. This is usually due to air bubbles in the system. New brake fluid and bleeding the brakes might be all you need.

That said, it could be a sign of a leak in a brake line.

Signs Of A Fluid Leak Around The Wheels

Brake Fluid Leaking

Spotting fluid underneath the vehicle often sends people into panic mode.

There’s often no need to worry. It could be water collected during your recent journey or from the AC.

However, yes. It could be brake fluid.

One of the most likely places for leaks to develop is the connection where the rubber line meets the brake. The caliper or wheel cylinder for that wheel isn’t receiving as much brake fluid as usual.

Check this connection for any indications of leaking fluid.

Factors Affecting The Cost To Replace Brake Lines

The total cost you’ll pay is fluctuating. It depends on the following:

  • How much brake line needs replacing
  • Where you live and the labor rates in your area
  • Dealership or general mechanic
  • Your car’s make, model, and specification
  • Additional required components (e.g., new caliper)

Flexible Brake Hose Replacement Cost

Flexible Brake Hose

If the pliable line is gone, you will need to buy a new part. These attach to the brake caliper/wheel cylinder and are created to fit their respective vehicle.

They’ll cost around $50 each. Replacing them is relatively straightforward. The mechanic will remove the old one and attach the new one before bleeding the brakes.

It’s that easy.

It’ll come to around $180. Most of this cost comes from bleeding the brakes.

Flexible Brake Hose Replacement Cost Breakdown

  • Brake hose: $50
  • Labor: $30
  • Bleeding the brakes: $100
  • Total cost: $180

It could be less, particularly if everything goes smoothly and you own a prevalent vehicle.

Metal Brake Line Repair Cost + Breakdown

Man Counting Money

A metal brake line itself shouldn’t be too costly. They usually cost around $50. Remember, they’re straightforward metal tubes. You’re paying for them to be shaped into the correct positions before installation.

Experienced mechanics can fashion brake lines themselves using metal (usually copper) piping. They’ll bend it into shape and install it on the vehicle.

On top of the price of the part, you’ll pay for the labor. Expect this to take up to an hour (depending on how significant the issue is). The national average labor rate is around $80 to $100.

Once the new line has been installed, the mechanic must swiftly bleed the brakes. If they don’t, there’s only air in the system. As a gas, it’s compressible, so the brakes won’t operate.

They’ll start at the wheel furthest from the master cylinder. The fluid in this line has the most distance to cover. They’ll then work on each wheel in turn, ending with the one next to the master cylinder.

The cost of parts for bleeding brakes is modest, mainly just brake fluid. However, it can be a lengthy task. On average, it might cost around $100.

Totaling all these expenses gives an overall cost of around $230 for a replacement metal brake line.

How Much To Replace Brake Lines: Breakdown

  • Brake line: $50 (up to)
  • Labor to remove and install new brake line: $80
  • Bleeding the brakes: $100
  • Total cost: $230

This seems about accurate for a total estimate. That said, how much you’ll pay depends on the factors above.

You’ll probably pay between $150 and $300 to replace brake lines.

Complete Brake Line Replacement Cost

Graphs and charts on the table

You should know that this is seldom necessary, except in the case of an entirely corroded system. This would usually only happen when the car’s been sitting off the road for some time.

Brake line systems are installed in segments. In the vast majority of cases, you’ll only need to replace the particular affected part.

If you need an entire brake line replaced – from the master cylinder to the brake – the expense shouldn’t be too much more.

If it costs around $230 to replace part of a brake line, a full replacement might come to $350 to $400.

The supplementary expense would come from the additional parts ($50 to $100) and labor (about another hour).

Once again, these amounts will vary depending on certain factors.

Complete Brake Line Replacement Cost Breakdown

  • All brake line parts: $100
  • Labor: 1.5 to 2 hours: $170
  • Bleeding the brakes: $100
  • Total cost: $370

Cost To Replace All Brake Lines At Once

Cost and Price

If you need to replace every individual brake line, it could come to about $550.

Again, this shouldn’t be essential for almost everyone. The only situations where it might be done are:

  • If you’re driving an old car with brake lines known for corroding. In this case, it’s a sensible expense, especially if the dual circuit is split front to rear.
  • If you want new brake lines for aesthetic reasons. Very unnecessary, but whatever floats your boat.

Replacing All Brake Lines At Once: Breakdown

  • Materials: $150
  • Labor: about 3 hours – $300
  • Bleeding the brakes: $100
  • Total cost: $550

As you can see, a superb way to save money is to work on your car yourself. You should only do this if you have the necessary skills! Getting your brakes wrong – that’s a potentially fatal mistake.

Rounding Up: How Much To Replace Brake Lines

Car Brake Lines

In total, having work done on your brake lines shouldn’t cost too much. About $230 (including installation and brake bleeding) is a fair estimate.

Usually, the flexible hose on the end of the brake line is what develops a leak. These are easy to replace and the cheapest part to solve when they go wrong.

If you suspect a problem with your brake lines, go swiftly to an auto shop. Don’t worry whether it’s a dealership or not – you’re far more likely to crash without functional brakes.

(Ensure the mechanic uses OEM, manufacturer-approved parts if your car is still under warranty.)

Before any work’s done, get a quote and agree on the total cost. That saves any surprises when the invoice comes your way.

That’s about it! Keep your brake lines and fluid in superb condition, and you’re well on the way to good car maintenance.

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Benjamin Kitchen

Ben is an IMI-qualified light vehicle technician from England with experience in a fast-fit garage. He aims to help drivers worldwide with common automotive problems. You’ll often find him working with his 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa. It may have a tiny engine, but in eight years it's never once let him down!